Imma Get Rich And Hire Someone To Repeatedly Set Up That Mouse Trap Game For Me To Trip

I used to love Mouse Trap. However, the game itself didn’t interest me. I just enjoyed tripping the machine at the end. It wasn’t enough of a payoff to keep setting it up though, so I didn’t trip it often. It was just too much work. Then I thought, why not get rich and hire someone to just set it up for me to trip over and over?

Now all I gotta do is become ridiculously wealthy so I can afford that.

About David S. Atkinson

David S. Atkinson enjoys typing about himself in the third person, although he does not generally enjoy speaking in such a fashion. However, he is concerned about the Kierkegaard quote "Once you label me you negate me." He worries that if he attempts to define himself he will, in fact, nullify his existence...
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2 Responses to Imma Get Rich And Hire Someone To Repeatedly Set Up That Mouse Trap Game For Me To Trip

  1. The closest you may ever get to this is as a short story. I say you go for it! Why wait to get rich and pay someone to spend their life setting up Mousetrap for you when you can IMAGINE getting rich and paying someone to spend their life setting up Mousetrap for you?

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